One young seminarian on a mission of creative hope and authentic faith. "Christians live by the promise of God and thus in creative hope" (Daniel Migliore)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Open Book Bible Exegesis Examination

The Presbyterian Church [USA] requires of those who wish to be ordained to pass five tests: Bible Content, Open Book Bible Exegesis, Theological Competence, Worship and Sacraments, and Church Polity. There have been some recent changes to the Open Book Bible Exegesis Examination. The following has been quoted directly from

During the course of the self-study and additional conversations with the deans and some faculty members of our PC(USA) seminaries, it became clear that there were serious concerns over the format and grading of the Biblical Exegesis examinations. These concerns included:

  • The perception that the exegesis exam is simply a repetition of an academic exercise already completed in seminary;
  • The difficulty of assessing a candidate’s overall facility in Greek or Hebrew given the examination’s structure and the limits of some readers’ own facility with the language;
  • The fairness and wisdom of having readers without formal training in biblical languages make a decision on a working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew;
  • Recent developments in biblical studies that have moved away from the idea that there is a single meaning of a passage of Scripture.

In response to these concerns two changes were made. Specifically, in wording posted on the Ordination Examinations website, “the demonstration of a working knowledge of Greek and/or Hebrew will no longer be a requirement in order to complete the examination successfully,” and “inquirers/candidates will be asked to offer ‘a faithful interpretation’ of the assigned text, rather than ‘the principal meaning’ of the text.” Commentary offered on these changes suggests that some clarification may be helpful.

Explanation of recent changes to the Open Book Bible Exegesis examination


During the course of the self-study and additional conversations with the deans and some faculty members of our PC(USA) seminaries, it became clear that there were serious concerns over the format and grading of the Biblical Exegesis examinations. These concerns included:

  • The perception that the exegesis exam is simply a repetition of an academic exercise already completed in seminary;
  • The difficulty of assessing a candidate’s overall facility in Greek or Hebrew given the examination’s structure and the limits of some readers’ own facility with the language;
  • The fairness and wisdom of having readers without formal training in biblical languages make a decision on a working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew;
  • Recent developments in biblical studies that have moved away from the idea that there is a single meaning of a passage of Scripture.

In response to these concerns two changes were made. Specifically, in wording posted on the Ordination Examinations website, “the demonstration of a working knowledge of Greek and/or Hebrew will no longer be a requirement in order to complete the examination successfully,” and “inquirers/candidates will be asked to offer ‘a faithful interpretation’ of the assigned text, rather than ‘the principal meaning’ of the text.” Commentary offered on these changes suggests that some clarification may be helpful.

It must be emphasized that all candidates continue to be required to answer questions dealing with the assigned texts in the original Greek or Hebrew languages. However, under previous guidelines, readers were instructed to evaluate an examination as “unsatisfactory” if it did not “demonstrate a working knowledge” of the appropriate biblical language, even if in every other respect the paper exceeded expectations. What has changed is that a paper will no longer receive an “unsatisfactory” evaluation solely for that reason. Readers will continue to assess the facility demonstrated in dealing with these languages and applying them to interpretations for the work of ministry. Those assessments will factor into the overall evaluation of the examination, but they will not determine alone that overall evaluation. Additionally, CPMs will continue to assess candidates’ proficiency in Hebrew and Greek on the basis of grades received for seminary language and exegetical courses, where students are asked to demonstrate a working knowledge of these languages through a variety of different linguistic tasks.


Another definition of the word “faithful” (again from Webster’s) is “consistent with truth or fact, ‘a faithful reproduction of the document.’” Used in this way, it is possible to determine whether or not an interpretation is “faithful” to the text. Is it “consistent with the facts” about the text’s wording, the facts concerning the text’s historical, social, canonical, and theological contexts, and so forth? It is in this sense that the examination has always assessed candidates’ interpretations of the assigned passages and will continue to do so in the future.

Recent trends in biblical scholarship have drawn attention to the fact that texts can have more than one meaning, or principal message, whether identified with the author’s intention or another standard. Texts yield different meanings depending on the questions being put to them. The church has long understood this quality of its scriptures as demonstrated by the fourfold allegorical interpretation practiced through much of its history. Even the Reformers and subsequent scholars who objected to excesses in the allegorical interpretation of the medieval church did not suggest a text had only one meaning.

Moreover, members of the PCCEC do not believe that this trend undermines the authority of Scripture; rather, it points to the working of the Spirit, who can open human minds and hearts to different nuances in a single text in different times and in different places.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Review: Coffee News Cafe

Coffee News Cafe

Specialty: Garlic fries

Located on scenic Grand Avenue in St. Paul, Coffee News Cafe is more than a neighborhood hangout. The cafe is decorated with warm, dark tones and features local artists' work. Coffee News Cafe has both indoors and outdoors seating, and the place is always busy. Students from the universities come here to study and get caffeinated, but it's not a 'college' place. There is a wide variety of customers who frequent the cafe, ranging in age from baby to elderly. Depending on who is sitting by you, the noise level can vary widely. During the time I have spent here, the music has been appropriately low, allowing for conversation; and the conversations have not been so loud you can't think. The cafe features coffee drinks, snacks, full meals, and salads. I believe they also sell beer and wine. The service is speedy, and the servers are friendly. There are also games for the customers to play if you don't have any homework to work on.
This cafe is a lovely place to spend a morning, afternoon, or evening in.

They also have free wi-fi which can lead to certain bloggers taking up space with their laptops [e.g. me]. :)

For more information:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saints and Seminaries

My family has been adopted by St. Thomas University for about two months. My mom is taking summer classes. It's been really fun getting her settled. I helped her find a map and get her ID and make sure she got to class on time. My parents helped me get ready when I went to college four years ago, so turn about's fair play. It's also interesting because soon I will be embarking on a trip to my own Masters program in July.

The apartment we're in reminds me of undergraduate housing. Furnished with chairs and tables made of light wood and dark colored couches, extra long beds and dressers in the closet. It's cozy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In memory

Our dog Fiona died last Friday. We will miss her forever.