I am taking a course this May term about spiritual guidance throughout a person's life. My professor (Dr. O) is very aware of the student population's mental overload from a year of other classes and is focusing the class in an experiential model of learning. Today Dr. O told us that he studied under Henri Nouwen who told him to spend 20 minutes a day in structured prayer and meditation. Anything more than that is difficult to sustain, but a simple daily routine will keep you walking with God through the ups and downs and sideways switches. Dr. O continued to say that as seminarians our lives are busy and often our personal spirituality gets dropped in the ensuing chaos. He encouraged us to press the "reset" button during this May term and re-center our lives on our relationship with God. So I'm doing that. Part of this reset is the realization that I have not kept up this blog. Blogging is a good way to keep accountability even if no one reads your blog, so I am hoping to update my blog at least once a week for the rest of the calendar year and then reassess.
By the way, if you haven't read any Henri Nouwen, he's a great writer. Go out and read any book by him.