Photo: Matt and Will in front of one of the unused building in the Customs area
One of the courses I am taking is called "Global Studio", and I have sort of talked about some of the things we have been doing. Time to clarify. The Journal that I have been keeping since we started on that first day in Athens is a portion of the grade. It's much more important than a grade, though. It's the best record of our everyday life here in Greece. We had a check up the other day, and my Prof really wants me to draw more. If you remember, I'm in a program designed for Architecture majors. Our main project is centered around the Port of Volos where over the years buildings have become less and less used as the industry has shifted. Now at the west end of the Boardwalk [one of the most beautiful walks in the world] there is an abrupt change in the use of the buildings around the Customs House. Inside of a baby blue painted metal fence the Customs area has several old brick buildings with largely usable space that is vacant. The City officials have decided that they want to turn that spot into a cultural center, and they need ideas. Based on our majors, we're supplying some ideas. The Marketing major is coming up with a business plan for a microbrewery from Athens to open a new restaurant, the architects are doing stuff with architecture, our music therapy major is figuring out what the specific needs of the community are, and I am writing a history of the Port to further everyone else's goals. That's not the only thing I'm doing. [Thankfully] I didn't come all this way just to write another ten page paper [although I'm doing about five of those, too]. I'm also going to design an exhibit for the Port Museum that incorporates the unused space. My Prof turned down my idea for a living Bronze Age museum there. Apparently traditional sailing outfits would be distracting, but I say "hey, if there were more half naked men around more people would come to this part of the city!". Anyway, I won't be designing that until November; so I have some time to figure out what I want to focus on. There have been a lot of famous people who have come out of the Volos area. The guy who did the soundtrack for "Blade Runner" and "Chariots of Fire" is from Volos. So was Giorgio de Chirico, and plenty of more local celebrities worthy of some short biographies. Or maybe I'll focus on how important the Port was to the Ottoman Empire. It was said by a French Ambassador to Istanbul after he returned home that the city would collapse from starvation if the Port of Volos was conquered. Yeah. That's impressive considering the fact that Volos didn't build an actual port until the 1880's after independence, so everything before that was just using the natural port.
So there's a glimpse into my school life.
Here's a glimpse into my home life: I'm out of milk, and I bought milk on Saturday. They sell milk in liters here. One liter for something like 1.60 Euro that lasts for a day and a half. I didn't have a chance to go yesterday because of my school schedule. Allow me to show that to you.
9-10:15am Greek 102
Monday 10:30-1pm Culture and Place: the Greek Legacy
Tuesday 10:30-1pm Mediterranean Cultures and Landscapes
Wednesday 10:30-1pm Science Research
1-2pm Lunch
2-5pm Global Studio
5-6pm Global Futures
9-10:15am Greek 102
10:30-6pm Global Studio Charrettes [an assignment that is given at 10:30 and due at 6]
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Off
Now it may seem like a packed schedule, and it is. Remember that we're only in Volos part of the time. This is the third week we've had this schedule, and next week we're off of it again because we're traveling. Then another week on, and then a week off because of Fall Break. I don't think we have more than two weeks on this schedule at a time for the rest of the term. We travel a lot, obviously. I can't wait for Thessoliniki. It's going to be awesome. For now I need to concentrate on my other assignments. I'll write more about my other classes and Profs later.
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