Picture: My first day in Athens a long, long time ago in the National Gardens. From left to right: Will, Hilary, and Kyle.
My final presentation went very well, and our guests really liked it. They thought my concept was very original. I really liked seeing how everyone else's came together, too. Tonight is our going away dinner. It will be very bittersweet. We are all happy that our projects are done, but that also means that we have to leave Volos. Tomorrow Kara and I are going down to Athens. My flight is on Friday morning around 9:30. I get to change planes in Germany, go through customs in Philadelphia, and I get home around 8:30 Friday evening. That's 8:30pm home time. So it'll be early in the morning according to my body clock.
I can't believe that I'm leaving Volos tomorrow and Greece the day after tomorrow. I am really happy to be going home, but I can't really believe it.
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