Today I received several pieces of mail from home. My church's monthly newsletter arrived with teh pastor's note being about celebrating when we're wrong because "God is faithful to lead us in new directions for our own good and the good of others." This is something I struggle with. I like to pray saying "God, I've figure this out. Bless my plan." It has taken me a long time to learn that when we pray "thy will be done" we mean "your plan will be followed." To understand that God leads us means that God leads all parts of our lives. I know firsthand how long-term plans can be shattered. The fall of 2009 "should have" been the semester I started my Masters in Anthropology, graduating in 2011, going straight into a PhD program, and becoming a researcher. I was going to be the next Edith Hamilton or Margaret Mead. Seminary was not in my plans. However, there was a much bigger plan happening around me. There have been times when I have been totally confident, and times when I have been scared out of my mind. Now, I can't imagine being at any other university or college or program. I can't imagine doing anything else but becoming a pastor.
Faith Presbyterian Church has been an enormous part of my Call. The other two pieces of mail I received were cards from two ladies in the church telling me some news and encouraging me. I am so thankful for their support and for the support of Faith in general. I see in the newsletter all sorts of exciting things. A Taize service on September 20, choir and handbells starting, Bible studies starting, Cursillo in October, the Crop Walk, celebrating a new building for one church and the closing of another church. All are opportunities for us to learn more about God's plan for us as individuals and for the larger faith community.
We are on a journey together. May the Father go ahead of us to light the way, the Son walk beside us as our companion, and the Holy Spirit go behind us to push us into places we normally wouldn't go. Amen.
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