One young seminarian on a mission of creative hope and authentic faith. "Christians live by the promise of God and thus in creative hope" (Daniel Migliore)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

12th Day of Christmas

Today is the last day of Christmas. Yesterday my friend Sara Jane and I were out running some errands and getting coffee when we saw the picture to the right. The Christmas lights are still up in Princeton. It was nice to remember that Christmas-tide is continuing even though we all are getting back to our normal lives.

PTS started its January term on Monday. For three weeks students will eat, sleep, and breathe one class. I am taking a course entitled Compassionate Communication based on the Nonviolence Communication model complied by Marshall Rosenberg. We have practice groups, journals, lectures, class participation, etc. in order for us to internalize nonviolent communication into our daily lives. I took this class originally with an eye on my chaplaincy internship this summer, but I can see how this type of communication can help in my career field and just in normal every-day relationships.

Also, yesterday I gave myself an end of Christmas present. I upgraded my computer to Windows 7, and it seems to work wonderfully. I really like the new Windows layout, and I appreciate the deal Windows gave me since I'm a student.

Merry end-of-Christmas-tide!

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