Amendment 10A has been a big deal to Presbyterians for a long time. If you're not familiar with Presbyterian church government we have two parts of our constitution: The Book of Confessions containing documents ranging from ancient to modern, and The Book of Order which outlines the specifics of our church government. Last summer our General Assembly gave the go-ahead for Amendment 10A to be passed to the presbyteries (local groups of churches) for the final vote. Tonight an 87th presbytery voted and passed Amendment 10A which means the PCUSA has passed 10A. I am grateful for the wholistic look at ordination candidates without focusing on one aspect of the person. The Office of the General Assembly has released a
statement. The PCUSA has invited us to join in the prayer below. While I know there are a number of views on this amendment, I think we can all agree to pray together.
Almighty God, we give thanks for a rich heritage of faithful witnesses to the gospel throughout the ages. We offer gratitude not only for those who have gone before us, but for General Assembly commissioners and presbyters across the church who have sought diligently to discern the mind of Christ for the church in every time and place, and especially in this present time.
May your Spirit of peace be present with us in difficult decisions, especially where relationships are strained and the future is unclear. Open our ears and our hearts to listen to and hear those with whom we differ. Most of all, we give thanks for Jesus Christ, our risen Savior and Lord, who called the Church into being and who continues to call us to follow his example of loving our neighbor and working for the reconciliation of the world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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