Ok, I realize it may have been confusing that my last post was labeled "Another Hymn." I apologize. I thought I uploaded my first hymn earlier. For my Congregational Music course I had to versify a Psalm to a well-known hymn tune as part of my final. Here it is. My rendition of Psalm 13 "God, I Cry Out to You in Woe" to the tune HAMBURG which is the tune of the hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."
One young seminarian on a mission of creative hope and authentic faith. "Christians live by the promise of God and thus in creative hope" (Daniel Migliore)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Another hymn
As part of a theological reflection in my Feminist and Womanist Theologies class I decided to write a hymn. Well, actually, I didn't quite decide to; but inspiration struck, and now I have another hymn to share!
Tune: DIX (known most popularly in the Presbyterian Hymnal as "For the Beauty of the Earth")
Monday, December 6, 2010
Last Week of Classes
This week is the last week of classes at PTS. What a semester! I have so much work to do before going home. Today I had a rehearsal for a faux wedding for my Word and Act class, run around like a maniac making sure everything was in place for worship in the evening, worked at the Speech Department, attended a two hour lecture on arts and worship, led the service and preached at Rider, worked on my final for my Congregational Music class, began making flash cards for my worship class final, and talked to my parents. I told them I was going to bed an hour ago. I was just going to return a couple of e-mails! It took an hour!
All this is say, this is the season of Advent. This is a season where we can get caught up in the hustle and bustle. I encourage all of you to take some time to allow the Spirit to move. Don't get caught up like me! I promise I'll try to be better. Every day is a new day in God's creation and a new chance to work for peace in our lives and in our world.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9
All this is say, this is the season of Advent. This is a season where we can get caught up in the hustle and bustle. I encourage all of you to take some time to allow the Spirit to move. Don't get caught up like me! I promise I'll try to be better. Every day is a new day in God's creation and a new chance to work for peace in our lives and in our world.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9
Monday, November 15, 2010
Alternative Christmas
Hey, guys. I know it's mid-November, but it's a good time to start thinking about alternative Christmas gifts. Here's some ideas!
Child's Play
A charity dedicated to bringing toys, games, books, and movies to children's hospitals in the USA and worldwide. On their website you can click on a hospital local or far away, and you're taken to Amazon to view the hospital's wish list. Giving is as easy as purchasing something on Amazon!
Heifer International
Take a look at their catalog and select an animal or animals to send to needy families. They're not giving a hand out; they're giving a hand up. Animals supply these families with food and a livelihood. A flock of chicks or ducks cost only $20.
The Sharing Network
The Sharing Network of New Jersey supports patients, donors, and families during organ transplants. There are over 4500 people waiting for a lifesaving transplant in New Jersey. Please consider The Sharing Network and your local organ donation network.
Micro-loans that help lift people in undeveloped countries out of poverty. It's the gift that keeps giving! Your money will come back to you so you can loan it again!
Teach for America
I have some friends doing Teach for America. It's hard work trying to eliminate educational inequality.
Mercer Street Friends Food Bank
A great local food bank that focuses on giving healthy food along with health services to the underprivileged in my local community. I've volunteered with them several times, and they have a large presence in some of our K-12 schools where they literally fill up children's backpacks with food.
Child's Play
A charity dedicated to bringing toys, games, books, and movies to children's hospitals in the USA and worldwide. On their website you can click on a hospital local or far away, and you're taken to Amazon to view the hospital's wish list. Giving is as easy as purchasing something on Amazon!
Heifer International

The Sharing Network
The Sharing Network of New Jersey supports patients, donors, and families during organ transplants. There are over 4500 people waiting for a lifesaving transplant in New Jersey. Please consider The Sharing Network and your local organ donation network.
Micro-loans that help lift people in undeveloped countries out of poverty. It's the gift that keeps giving! Your money will come back to you so you can loan it again!
Teach for America
I have some friends doing Teach for America. It's hard work trying to eliminate educational inequality.
Mercer Street Friends Food Bank
A great local food bank that focuses on giving healthy food along with health services to the underprivileged in my local community. I've volunteered with them several times, and they have a large presence in some of our K-12 schools where they literally fill up children's backpacks with food.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Diana Butler Bass
Yesterday and today I was the sexton for lectures by Diana Butler Bass. She was speaking on her latest book A People's History of Christianity as well as our Alumni Reunion Week theme "From Gutenberg to Google." The picture's not great, but it proves that it happened. She also signed my Practicing Congregation. Dr. Bass, or as she's known around campus "D.B.B.", has her PhD in church history from Duke and has done incredible work about the modern Mainline church. Her new book is the first history of the Christian church written for mass reading (not as a textbook) since 1965. She's an Episcopal layperson who is calling for the renewal of the Mainline denominations to ask good questions about how we live our Christian faith in this new digital age. She said that the reason the 95 Theses had such an impact was because Luther had the gall to ask the tough questions that were coming out of the culture that other church people weren't asking or thought weren't important. She lectured on how the digital age is changing how we think, and apparently I'm a "digital native." uch of computer, internet, etc. is "natural" to me while perhaps some of my readers might not know about the purpose of the hyperlinks on my blog or what they do.
I highly suggest reading her books and seeing her in person if you can. I'm currently reading A People's History, and I really like it. If this is what writing church history is, I may jump on that wagon.
I highly suggest reading her books and seeing her in person if you can. I'm currently reading A People's History, and I really like it. If this is what writing church history is, I may jump on that wagon.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Psalm 100 Sermon
I promised my mom that I would post my sermon on Psalm 100 on the blog, but I have to be honest... I can't. During my sermon last Monday I realized I wasn't connecting with the students at all. So I stepped to the side of the lectern and began telling a story. Almost everyone sat up a bit, and connections were made. So while I can't exactly post the stories and sermon-ing I told, I can give you an idea of what I said.
Psalms are awesome, and God loves us.
There you go. :)
Psalms are awesome, and God loves us.
There you go. :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Adventures in Hiking
Yesterday some friends and I set off for Tyler State Park in Pennsylvania for some hiking and looking at scenic trees. Afterward we ended up at this kooky, fabulous ice cream shop called Zebra-Striped Whale in nearby Newtown. Then it was back to PTS for some sermon writing!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
This semester I am in a class entitled Feminist and Womanist Theologies taught by Drs. Pierce and Taylor. Yesterday we were talking about Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, and Dr. Taylor played this song. It's incredibly moving and thought provoking. This song is to the tune of "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing" (known otherwise as Nettleton). You can listen to it online here. Below are the lyrics.
God, I Cannot Call You Father
© Linda Allen 1993
words: Linda Allen
melody: Nettleton, J. Wyeth 1813
God, I know you as a spirit
Blowing through me like a wind
You are the spirit of the water
You are the source, you are the end
God, I know you as a mother
Giving birth to all I am
But I cannot call you Father
And I know you understand
God, how many names we've called you
Great Jehovah, Great I Am
You are the lion, you're the shepherd
Mother Eagle, gentle lamb
And Jesus called you "Abba"
He knew Joseph's loving hand
But I cannot call you Father
And I know you understand
And now I hear the hymns around me
Heavenly Father, Lord of hosts
And the child is blessed with water
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
But how many father's daughters
Feel like strangers in this land
Silent tears to bear the sorrow
God, I know you understand
From the CD: Lay It Down: Images of the Sacred. October Rose Productions, 1996.
God, I Cannot Call You Father
© Linda Allen 1993
words: Linda Allen
melody: Nettleton, J. Wyeth 1813
God, I know you as a spirit
Blowing through me like a wind
You are the spirit of the water
You are the source, you are the end
God, I know you as a mother
Giving birth to all I am
But I cannot call you Father
And I know you understand
God, how many names we've called you
Great Jehovah, Great I Am
You are the lion, you're the shepherd
Mother Eagle, gentle lamb
And Jesus called you "Abba"
He knew Joseph's loving hand
But I cannot call you Father
And I know you understand
And now I hear the hymns around me
Heavenly Father, Lord of hosts
And the child is blessed with water
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
But how many father's daughters
Feel like strangers in this land
Silent tears to bear the sorrow
God, I know you understand
From the CD: Lay It Down: Images of the Sacred. October Rose Productions, 1996.
First Sermon for Preaching Class
Sermon based off of Luke 1:39-55. Below is Luke 1:39-45.
39 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, 40where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit 42and exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? 44For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leapt for joy. 45And blessed is she who believed that there would be* a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.’
Today I’m going to be preaching on Luke 1:35-55, and I’m going to preach something a little different. I’m going to be preaching about a teenagers’ need for safe space.
39 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, 40where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit 42and exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? 44For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leapt for joy. 45And blessed is she who believed that there would be* a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.’
Today I’m going to be preaching on Luke 1:35-55, and I’m going to preach something a little different. I’m going to be preaching about a teenagers’ need for safe space.
I was in a church a couple months ago that had a depiction of Mary. She was white, was wearing a soft blue toga, had her eyes cast down modestly, and was wearing a crown. And I thought to myself… I just can’t get there. I can’t get to that picture of Mary in my mind. Then I was reading in a commentary about how Mary went to Elizabeth’s house because of how happy she was, and I just can’t get there either. We read that Mary went ‘with haste’ to Elizabeth’s home, but it does not mention what her feelings were. When the angel Gabriel had appeared he told Mary that Elizabeth was also miraculously pregnant. I don’t think that was an accident. I think God knew Mary was going to freak out… because God knew Mary was human. After all, pregnancy is a big deal. Unwed teenage pregnancy that results in the birth of the Messiah is a big deal. I think she got scared and ran. She ran to someone she knew she could trust, someone outside of her immediate family. Isn’t that often part of growing up? We run to people we trust outside of our immediate family to find a safe space. I think Mary ran to Elizabeth to find a safe space.
How different would the vulnerable teenagers in our world be if someone created a safe space for them and exclaimed “Blessed are you!” or even the simple “God loves you!” Granted, there’s a difference between Mary the mother of our Savior and, well, everyone else; but I think there’s a pattern here that we can follow. The author is making a claim on how we are living our lives, on what we count as a blessing in our lives, and on the safe spaces we find in our lives. According to Mary and Elizabeth’s society, it is Elizabeth who is blessed, who has finally found a safe space in The Motherhood. She has finally overcome the bareness which has shamed her… and here Mary is entering a condition which will shame her. People will judge Mary, and people do shame Mary as we sometimes shame others. I see Mary as a scared teen girl in this passage, and I see that, perhaps, because I was a scared teen girl. Although I was never pregnant, I experienced shame and ridicule. You expect ridicule once word gets out in your high school that you are the president of the poetry club and that you spent your summer at Shakespeare Camp, but I had one great blessing in my life. I had many Elizabeth’s who offered me safe spaces. The associate pastor of my home church. My friend from youth group. My friend’s mom. These people and others told me that God loved me, that I had spiritual gifts, that my faith was stronger than I knew, and who taught me to trust in the promises that God has made. These people had the Holy Spirit working in their lives, and it is partially because of them that I find myself here at PTS, training to go into ministry. It is because of the Elizabeth’s in my life that I have the freedom to be a Mary! A Mary who has Jesus growing in her, in a spiritual way not in a physical way.
Because of the Holy Spirit working in my life and because of those safe spaces I experienced, I have been able to provide that same safe space for teenagers going through difficult times. I remember especially sitting with my friend Jon in his dorm room. We were freshman in college, and we were playing Street Fighter. Then Jon’s phone rang. It was his mother who told him she was divorcing his father and was going to marry a man she had been seeing for quite some time. She said she would be moving to a different city to escape the shaming looks from her church. Now Jon wasn’t a guy who let his emotions show. He’s a big guy with a quick smile and will always tell you everything is ok especially when it’s not. But that day he hung up the phone and started crying. I sat with him in that space, and for whatever reason he felt safe enough to cry. Providing a safe space for Jon didn’t bring his parents back together. Safe spaces don’t make everything ok. Safe spaces don’t numb the pain of your experiences, and they can’t make others change their mind about your own situation. Safe spaces can, however, create a place to express emotions and a place for support without denying what is going on. Safe spaces can remind you that even in the midst of great pain, distrust, disbelief, shock, confusion, discernment, joy, and questioning God is still there. Can we imagine how Tyler Clementi’s life may have turned out differently if he had an Elizabeth to run to rather than a deserted bridge… a waiting river…
We are people who see God’s blessings in others and who can provide safe places for them to grow and safe spaces for them to run to when life gets overwhelming. But there’s a key part here. The text says that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The joy spilled over from her womb, and she could not contain it. The Spirit empowered Elizabeth helped Mary see God’s strength and her own faith; we know that because Mary’s Song is a song of strength and faith. The song does not come right after Gabriel leaves. No. The song comes after Mary finds a safe space with Elizabeth. Mary’s Song is a song of strong trust in God. Mary can see her own blessings, how she can and will pour out those blessings and change the world.
May we be so moved in our own lives that we seek out people like Elizabeth when we need them, and may we be so courageous that we can be like Elizabeth when someone runs to us. May the Holy Spirit work in us to see Jesus growing inside of each other when society may only see shame. May we have an open heart to the Holy Spirit working in our lives, to help us not judge those society may deemed shamed; but instead to have God’s love through the Holy Spirit pouring out of us to strengthen the people who feel they need to run and give them the chance to sing in praise and trust and about the overwhelming-ness of God’s love—the ultimate safe space. By creating safe spaces for teenagers we can nurture Christ growing in them through the power of the Holy Spirit, like Elizabeth did for Mary. And we can create safe spaces just by being there and by being open to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The New Top Chef
On August 20th when my CPE unit went out to lunch to celebrate our graduation, we went to Rat's Restaurant and met the executive chef there. Last night the executive chef from Rat's Restaurant won the 7th season of Top Chef.
So in a year at seminary I have met three celebrities. Shane Claiborne, Gustavo Gutierrez, and Kevin the New Top Chef.
It's been a strange ride.
So in a year at seminary I have met three celebrities. Shane Claiborne, Gustavo Gutierrez, and Kevin the New Top Chef.
It's been a strange ride.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I am back at PTS after a wonderful, restful period at home. Things have not yet started in full gear because my classes don't start until next week, so I'm pre-semester-ing. My internship at Rider has started, and that's going well. I'm doing some fun reading. I'm playing some video games. Watchin' some Gilmore Girls. Doing some paperwork and writing an article for our student published theological journal. (which is due today and hasn't been finished and I don't even know if it will be accepted, but here's hoping!) Planning for the semester.
Classes for fall long term:
Feminist and Womanist Theology
Introduction to Christian Worship
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Classes for fall long term:
Feminist and Womanist Theology
Introduction to Christian Worship
Musical Resources for the Congregation
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I don't know if I've approached the topic of self-care before in this blog. I've thought about it enough that I've probably written something about it. The truth is that self-care is one of the most important things for students to learn in seminary, and I have yet to meet one student who claims they are good at self-care. That's saying something. It's become an important topic following the New York Times' article about clergy burnout. If you haven't read it, let me sum up. Clergy aren't good at taking care of themselves and often burnout. 50% of all those ordained as Presbyterian ministers will burn out within 5 years. That's a scary thought.
So how do we prevent ourselves from getting burned out?
More vacation time? Weekly Sabbath time? Different job? 30 minutes a day for prayer/mediation? Attending a church different than your own on Sunday evenings? Coffee break with a novel once daily? All of the above?
Yesterday my mom and I went to the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" based on the best-selling book. There are three main settings of the story. The "Eat" part is in Italy where the author learns about the Sweetness of Doing Nothing, a decidedly Italian idea according to the locals. One character declares that Americans don't know how to have a good time or relax.
Is this failure for self-care simply a clergy phenomenon... or is it part of our society?
In our world of climbing unemployment are we afraid to insist on taking care of ourselves out of fear of losing our jobs or out of the idea that we don't know just how to be? Do we know how to be in the sweetness of doing nothing? No TV, no internet, no gameboy. Just be. It's a difficult idea. I know because I can't do it. I try. It reminds me of a prayer I read once. "Dear God, I am trying my best." Then I think of Yoda who said "Do or do not. There is no try." Mixed messages.
So I'm going to try. Or do. Or something. I'm going to try to find this sweetness in doing nothing in order to prevent burnout because this past year and a half has been hard. Non-stop and hard. So what's the harm in just trying some self-care? Or doing.
So how do we prevent ourselves from getting burned out?
More vacation time? Weekly Sabbath time? Different job? 30 minutes a day for prayer/mediation? Attending a church different than your own on Sunday evenings? Coffee break with a novel once daily? All of the above?
Yesterday my mom and I went to the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" based on the best-selling book. There are three main settings of the story. The "Eat" part is in Italy where the author learns about the Sweetness of Doing Nothing, a decidedly Italian idea according to the locals. One character declares that Americans don't know how to have a good time or relax.
Is this failure for self-care simply a clergy phenomenon... or is it part of our society?
In our world of climbing unemployment are we afraid to insist on taking care of ourselves out of fear of losing our jobs or out of the idea that we don't know just how to be? Do we know how to be in the sweetness of doing nothing? No TV, no internet, no gameboy. Just be. It's a difficult idea. I know because I can't do it. I try. It reminds me of a prayer I read once. "Dear God, I am trying my best." Then I think of Yoda who said "Do or do not. There is no try." Mixed messages.
So I'm going to try. Or do. Or something. I'm going to try to find this sweetness in doing nothing in order to prevent burnout because this past year and a half has been hard. Non-stop and hard. So what's the harm in just trying some self-care? Or doing.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
CPE Done
My CPE experience has ended. If it wasn't obvious from my lack of posting it kept me really busy all summer. Now I'm taking some time off to do some R&R because once my fall semester starts it's ahead full blast. I have a full schedule and three jobs lined up. But I'm not thinking about that for the next couple of weeks.
For now I'm just going to hang back and relax as best I can. I suggest you do the same before summer fades into fall.
For now I'm just going to hang back and relax as best I can. I suggest you do the same before summer fades into fall.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hospital Psalm
Out of the hospital I call to you, Lord.
O Lord, listen to my cry;
Be attentive to me! Answer me!
I look to the Lord,
I await God’s word.
I am more eager for the Lord than the night shift for the morning;
Than the night shift for the morning.
-Based on Psalm 130
Saturday, July 31, 2010
A couple weeks ago I had the incredible honor to meet Gustavo Gutiérrez...
He is one of the greatest theological minds of our time and is known as the father of Liberation Theology. He is a professor at Notre Dame and a Dominican priest. His best known work is A Theology of Liberation. Of course I didn't have my copy on me when I found out he would be at my school. But a group of us did get him to take a picture with us!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Is it July? Yes. Is it mid-July? Yes. Wow.
Tomorrow summer language begins at PTS. Last year at this time I was moving into my dorm and nervously awaiting that #1 anxiety producing course Biblical Greek. Turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... and it also was as bad as I thought it would be but in different ways. The biggest difference between Greek and CPE is that learning Greek is highly predictable. You have the book. You have the syllabus. You have the professor and teaching assistants. You spend hours writing out paradigms on white boards. But in the hospital every time you enter its doors or turn on your pager you don't know what's going to happen. When the pager goes off anything could be happening. When you enter someone's room you don't know what they're going to say or if they're able to speak.
It's just a very different summer. Last summer I was figuring out how the "seminarian" label fit into me, and now I'm figuring out how the "chaplain" label fits into me while still being a seminarian. Both are growing processes. Not all growth is easy. Some is just confusing. Someone asked me the other day if I was "the E.M." I said yes since those are my initials, but when I entered the room the nurse wanted me to go in the patient said they wanted the Eucharistic Minister. Now that I am not, but I do know how to get the Eucharistic Ministers. An EM was found, the Eucharist was done, and the patient was happy. Is that the right verb? Done? Sorry if it's not.
So the summer is different, and I'm still growing. Both good things.
Tomorrow summer language begins at PTS. Last year at this time I was moving into my dorm and nervously awaiting that #1 anxiety producing course Biblical Greek. Turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... and it also was as bad as I thought it would be but in different ways. The biggest difference between Greek and CPE is that learning Greek is highly predictable. You have the book. You have the syllabus. You have the professor and teaching assistants. You spend hours writing out paradigms on white boards. But in the hospital every time you enter its doors or turn on your pager you don't know what's going to happen. When the pager goes off anything could be happening. When you enter someone's room you don't know what they're going to say or if they're able to speak.
It's just a very different summer. Last summer I was figuring out how the "seminarian" label fit into me, and now I'm figuring out how the "chaplain" label fits into me while still being a seminarian. Both are growing processes. Not all growth is easy. Some is just confusing. Someone asked me the other day if I was "the E.M." I said yes since those are my initials, but when I entered the room the nurse wanted me to go in the patient said they wanted the Eucharistic Minister. Now that I am not, but I do know how to get the Eucharistic Ministers. An EM was found, the Eucharist was done, and the patient was happy. Is that the right verb? Done? Sorry if it's not.
So the summer is different, and I'm still growing. Both good things.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
In church
Today I attended a church (not the one I normally attend), and I sat behind this woman who was editing the bulletin for grammar as the service went along. Now we all know that church bulletins sometimes have mistakes in them. The people who write the bulletins are often pulling in information from multiple places, and mistakes are made. It's not a big deal. It was disconcerting to be listening to a sermon about freedom from the world and being bonded to each other in Christ and love (bonus points if you figure out what book was being preached from) and to watch this woman edit the bulletin.
The church was very welcoming, and I liked the service. It's nice to go to church after a long week.
The church was very welcoming, and I liked the service. It's nice to go to church after a long week.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
12 Hour Shifts
Four times over the summer as part of the CPE process we have to do 12 hour shifts on site.
12 hours is a long time.
12 hours is a long time.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Week One Done
I was planning on updating before now, but it's been a long week at the hospital. We've gone through hospital orientation (one full day) and then four days or so of pastoral office orientation. Some training in all sorts of things like what HIPPA is and how it applies to us and how to use certain kinds of software along with here's what you can and cannot do as pastoral care givers. For example, we cannot give anyone water just in case they're fasting before a test or surgery. Didn't know that a week ago. What I didn't know a week ago and what I do today could fill a book. Maybe several books.
This weekend I've been working some events on campus. All music stuff. Rehearsals, concerts, and piano recitals. I've also been playing quite a lot of video games and letting my mind go blank. This pastoral care stuff is not as easy as it looks sometimes.
This weekend I've been working some events on campus. All music stuff. Rehearsals, concerts, and piano recitals. I've also been playing quite a lot of video games and letting my mind go blank. This pastoral care stuff is not as easy as it looks sometimes.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tomorrow I begin CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education), a 12-week hands-on internship at a local hospital.
Preparing for this experience has been difficult. I can count the number of times I have entered a hospital on one hand, but I have some great friends and mentors around here and back home who have been helping me. Of course the full year of seminary under my belt helps. Mayhaps that's easy to say now before I begin. I'll keep you informed.
Preparing for this experience has been difficult. I can count the number of times I have entered a hospital on one hand, but I have some great friends and mentors around here and back home who have been helping me. Of course the full year of seminary under my belt helps. Mayhaps that's easy to say now before I begin. I'll keep you informed.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today is Pentecost which is one of my favorite holidays. On Pentecost we celebrate the coming down of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples (Acts 2). At Plainsboro Presbyterian they have been folding origami cranes for prayer doves for weeks, and they were installed yesterday in the front of the church. They asked people to write prayers in any language they speak or read on the white side of the origami paper. The theme was that the church is a house of prayer for all peoples (Isaiah 56:7). They were beautiful and colorful, and they had several members of the church read prayers and scripture in their first languages.
At Pentecost the Spirit empowered the disciples to overcome the barriers of geography and language to preach the Gospel. And not everyone received the Gospel the way we would normally think. People openly sneered at the disciples and said they were drunk. Some completely dismissed the good news they were hearing, and some heard and believed and were transformed. Their lives were transformed by the power of the Spirit, and the patterns of their behavior changed. That is the beauty of Pentecost. The Spirit working in our lives and in other people's to overcome barriers and to change us inside and outside.
May we be fired up and empowered to preach the Gospel in all we say and do. May we be changed that every thought and action be made into the will of Jesus Christ.
At Pentecost the Spirit empowered the disciples to overcome the barriers of geography and language to preach the Gospel. And not everyone received the Gospel the way we would normally think. People openly sneered at the disciples and said they were drunk. Some completely dismissed the good news they were hearing, and some heard and believed and were transformed. Their lives were transformed by the power of the Spirit, and the patterns of their behavior changed. That is the beauty of Pentecost. The Spirit working in our lives and in other people's to overcome barriers and to change us inside and outside.
May we be fired up and empowered to preach the Gospel in all we say and do. May we be changed that every thought and action be made into the will of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Graduation Choir
Today I sang at PTS' graduation with our choir. The graduation was in the Princeton University chapel which is enormous and beautiful (with incredible acoustics). It's sad to know that more than a few of my friends are leaving, but it's also great to see how God has been working in their lives to lead them into the next chapter.
I'm looking forward to a restful couple of weeks before I start CPE.
I'm looking forward to a restful couple of weeks before I start CPE.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Almost done
We are in the home stretch, everybody. This is the last weekend. I am studying for my first spoken examination. I've only had those in language courses in high school, and it's a very different type of studying than for an essay exam.
Yesterday some friends and I went to lunch at an Indian restaurant to celebrate our friends who are graduating and a successful completion of the school year. When we came back, my friend Craig said he heard music in the air. So I naturally starting singing that wonderful song that I know from Call Me Madam, but it turns out that there really was music in the air. Some students had decided to throw an impromptu concert in the grassy area in the middle of our campus. (see picture) That was really nice. It has been raining all week, but yesterday was beautiful. It was wonderfully relaxing thing to come back from a fun lunch and sit in the grass listening to music.
Ok. I'm almost done. I'm going to make it!
Yesterday some friends and I went to lunch at an Indian restaurant to celebrate our friends who are graduating and a successful completion of the school year. When we came back, my friend Craig said he heard music in the air. So I naturally starting singing that wonderful song that I know from Call Me Madam, but it turns out that there really was music in the air. Some students had decided to throw an impromptu concert in the grassy area in the middle of our campus. (see picture) That was really nice. It has been raining all week, but yesterday was beautiful. It was wonderfully relaxing thing to come back from a fun lunch and sit in the grass listening to music.
Ok. I'm almost done. I'm going to make it!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Books wait for you until you need them. Buying books is not always about what you need right at that time. It's more of an art than anything else. The past few days I have been working at the PTS annual Book Sale. For months people have been donating books, and the students have been sorting them into topics such as preaching, theology, and Christian life. Many retiring professors and clergy use this book sale to clean their libraries out. All proceeds go to international seminaries to build their libraries. All volunteers got paid in books, so now I have a storage problem for texts such as The Writings of Medieval Women, The Complete Works of Josephus, Scotland: A New History, The Book of Common Prayer, and The History and Character of Calvinism.
In other news, it's the May short term... so I'm very busy with my class about the sacraments. More about that later.
In other news, it's the May short term... so I'm very busy with my class about the sacraments. More about that later.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Farm
The May Term is pretty intense, so it's important to find ways to relax. Yesterday my friends Sarah and Marie and I went to Terhune Orchards, a local farm with 200 acres. They were having a kite flying festival with cider and animals to pet. Beautiful apples were on sale. One of the best things, though, were their cider donuts.
It's hot out here, and our A/C hasn't been turned on yet. I hope it's cooler where you are.
It's hot out here, and our A/C hasn't been turned on yet. I hope it's cooler where you are.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
May Term
Last week was finals week, and I survived. I did quality work on my papers, and my tests went well. Today we started our May short term, and I'm in a class about the sacraments and sacramental rites. We're studying baptism, communion, marriage, foot washing, confirmation, reconciliation, and healing.
On Monday night I met Shane Claiborne. He spoke at the forum on youth ministry here. He spoke at my undergrad earlier in the school year, and I read his book Irresistible Revolution a couple months ago. He was amazing! He talked about the art of making disciples and about how we can embody love as Christians.
On Monday night I met Shane Claiborne. He spoke at the forum on youth ministry here. He spoke at my undergrad earlier in the school year, and I read his book Irresistible Revolution a couple months ago. He was amazing! He talked about the art of making disciples and about how we can embody love as Christians.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day
In honor of Earth Day, I want to recommend an album for everyone. Hope for a Tree Cut Down was made by Church of the Beloved in Washington and contains some of the finest music recorded in the past two years. While not directly about Earth Day, this album is expresses the beauty of God in our world. And it's free! What could be better than that?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Finer Things: Opera
Last Friday The Finer Things Club went to the New York City Opera to see Madam Butterfly. It was awesome.
This week is finals week, so my brain's a little fried. So I'm going to go study.
This week is finals week, so my brain's a little fried. So I'm going to go study.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Servant Savior Presbyterian Church
An arsonist burned down the Servant Savior Presbyterian Church in Houston, TX on April 9th. Here is the news story. They are asking for donations to help rebuild their church here. If you can, please donate. They lost everything including a new piano.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Caucasian Chalk Circle
The Caucasian Chalk Circle is being performed this Thursday-Sunday if you're in the Princeton area. We're all really excited about it, and tonight is the dress rehearsal.
In this play, a peasant woman succumbs to the terrible temptation to do good, and an odd judge comes into power.
My part is Shalva, the Secretary. I get to wear a big, navy hat the entire time.
In this play, a peasant woman succumbs to the terrible temptation to do good, and an odd judge comes into power.
My part is Shalva, the Secretary. I get to wear a big, navy hat the entire time.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Christ is Risen!
My friends David and Laura talked me into attending a 5am sunrise service this morning at the university chapel. Nice service. Had to take two naps today.
Plainsboro had a very nice service with readings from the Gospels and the Song of Songs, based off of a Medieval monastic service.
This evening many people in the dorms got together in the oratory for dinner. The body of Christ.
Plainsboro had a very nice service with readings from the Gospels and the Song of Songs, based off of a Medieval monastic service.
This evening many people in the dorms got together in the oratory for dinner. The body of Christ.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Maundy Thursday
While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them, and said, ‘Take; this is my body.’ Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, and all of them drank from it. He said to them, ‘This is my blood of the* covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly I tell you, I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.’ 232425
Mark 14:22-25
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New blog layout. Hope you guys like it. If not, feel free to let me know.
I had allergy testing today. Ick. I am allergic to dust mites, mold, and trees. I will be making some changes in my lifestyle to reflect this new information. New medication. New pillows.
The play is coming up next week. We're actually running the entire play instead of bits and pieces. Even though I have a medium-sized part, my character appears in the beginning scene and last half of the second act, so I have to hang around the entire rehearsal. I also have to wear a hat the entire time, but we haven't begun practicing with our costumes.
I have been asked by my gracious play director and speech professor to be his teacher's assistant for next school year. A great opportunity for me to get to the know the incoming juniors and to spend some time doing something I love.
For my final paper in my Reformation worship class I have decided to write a short adult education course. I thought this would be easier than writing a full-blown history paper. I was wrong. Plus, I have tracked down a facsimile of the original Genevan Psalter, and it never occurred to me that music writing had changed since the 1530's. That throws a cog into the wheels. Thankfully, I've got some time to figure things out.
I am very excited to announce that the Finer Things Club will be journeying to New York City for Madam Butterfly in April. Something to look forward to before finals week.
And the rain stopped again! I don't mind rain, but I mind rain for days and days at a time. It's nice to have a break.
I had allergy testing today. Ick. I am allergic to dust mites, mold, and trees. I will be making some changes in my lifestyle to reflect this new information. New medication. New pillows.
The play is coming up next week. We're actually running the entire play instead of bits and pieces. Even though I have a medium-sized part, my character appears in the beginning scene and last half of the second act, so I have to hang around the entire rehearsal. I also have to wear a hat the entire time, but we haven't begun practicing with our costumes.
I have been asked by my gracious play director and speech professor to be his teacher's assistant for next school year. A great opportunity for me to get to the know the incoming juniors and to spend some time doing something I love.
For my final paper in my Reformation worship class I have decided to write a short adult education course. I thought this would be easier than writing a full-blown history paper. I was wrong. Plus, I have tracked down a facsimile of the original Genevan Psalter, and it never occurred to me that music writing had changed since the 1530's. That throws a cog into the wheels. Thankfully, I've got some time to figure things out.
I am very excited to announce that the Finer Things Club will be journeying to New York City for Madam Butterfly in April. Something to look forward to before finals week.
And the rain stopped again! I don't mind rain, but I mind rain for days and days at a time. It's nice to have a break.
finer things club,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Field Education
As you may know or not know, each seminarian must complete a year-long part-time internship called a "field education placement." I have officially accepted a placement at Rider University, a local university that's about 6,000 students. I will be working both on the main campus with the Protestant Campus Ministries and at Westminster Choir College. I will be working specifically with Rev. Dawn Adamy, a very lovely woman. (I don't have a picture of her. Sorry.) It's at the same time exciting and scary. I worked for a year as the chaplain's assistant at my undergrad school, but this is just a little different. It's nice to have things set up.
Now all I have to do is get through this semester, the finals week, the spring short term, and CPE.
Now all I have to do is get through this semester, the finals week, the spring short term, and CPE.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Peace Rally

Then some of us went for pizza.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Past, Present, and Future
Yesterday I had a weird day. Past, present, and future all converged into one in only a few short hours. Awe, shock, and hope...

Past/Awe--Yesterday I held a Bible that belonged to Dietrich Bonhoeffer (pictured, right). The Bible is a facsimile of the Luther Bible that Bonhoeffer's students gave to him as a gift. If you don't know who Bonhoeffer is, he's one of the most incredible Christians of the past century. He was a theologian and pastor who stood up to the Nazis and was executed in a concentration camp. His writings are amazing. I read The Cost of Discipleship last summer. It's thought-provoking and a great read.
The picture with the small book is me with an original edition of Calvin's Institutes. It used to be really small and in Latin. The text I'm read for my Systematic Theology class is much bigger and in English.
We saw pictures from the Martyr's Mirror showing all the different ways Anabaptists could be killed for their beliefs.
Present/Shock--I attended a lectured last night by Peter Dale Scott, a poet and professor emeritus at Berkley. His new book The Road to Afgahanistan is coming out this fall. There is an overwhelming connection to the international drug trade and the war in Afghanistan. Today is the 7th Anniversary of the Iraq War. I will be joining the Seminarians for Peace and Justice on the steps of the state capital at noon today to ask for peace. I can't sit in silence any longer. The further I get into my New Testament class and Systematic Theology and Reformation history class, the more I cannot reconcile the idea of war with Jesus' teachings, ministry, death, and resurrection.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matt 5:6-9).
"Suddenly, one of those with Jesus put his hand on his sword, drew it, and struck the slave of the high priest, cutting off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matt 26:51-52)
"'But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also'" (Luke 6:27-29a).
"'I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35).
If we do not stop the cycle of violence, we will only be faced with more violence. Someone must have the courage to stand up and refuse to continue the cycle. We must root out the institutionalized violence and refuse to fight back with anything but Jesus' triumph over violence. Jesus shows us a different way, a way to love one another as God loves us. I want to take the Gospel seriously. The Gospel is not safe. Jesus leads away from our homes, our families, and our communities into discipleship. Perhaps no one in the past century has devoted him or herself to the idea of discipleship more than Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Future/Hope--I was offered a field education position yesterday. I do not expect to be faced with the kinds of violence Dietrich Bonhoeffer was, but I will follow Christ as well as I can where I am. I have great hope for the future today, not because of where we are but because of where we can go.

Past/Awe--Yesterday I held a Bible that belonged to Dietrich Bonhoeffer (pictured, right). The Bible is a facsimile of the Luther Bible that Bonhoeffer's students gave to him as a gift. If you don't know who Bonhoeffer is, he's one of the most incredible Christians of the past century. He was a theologian and pastor who stood up to the Nazis and was executed in a concentration camp. His writings are amazing. I read The Cost of Discipleship last summer. It's thought-provoking and a great read.
The picture with the small book is me with an original edition of Calvin's Institutes. It used to be really small and in Latin. The text I'm read for my Systematic Theology class is much bigger and in English.
We saw pictures from the Martyr's Mirror showing all the different ways Anabaptists could be killed for their beliefs.
Present/Shock--I attended a lectured last night by Peter Dale Scott, a poet and professor emeritus at Berkley. His new book The Road to Afgahanistan is coming out this fall. There is an overwhelming connection to the international drug trade and the war in Afghanistan. Today is the 7th Anniversary of the Iraq War. I will be joining the Seminarians for Peace and Justice on the steps of the state capital at noon today to ask for peace. I can't sit in silence any longer. The further I get into my New Testament class and Systematic Theology and Reformation history class, the more I cannot reconcile the idea of war with Jesus' teachings, ministry, death, and resurrection.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matt 5:6-9).
"Suddenly, one of those with Jesus put his hand on his sword, drew it, and struck the slave of the high priest, cutting off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matt 26:51-52)
"'But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also'" (Luke 6:27-29a).
"'I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35).
If we do not stop the cycle of violence, we will only be faced with more violence. Someone must have the courage to stand up and refuse to continue the cycle. We must root out the institutionalized violence and refuse to fight back with anything but Jesus' triumph over violence. Jesus shows us a different way, a way to love one another as God loves us. I want to take the Gospel seriously. The Gospel is not safe. Jesus leads away from our homes, our families, and our communities into discipleship. Perhaps no one in the past century has devoted him or herself to the idea of discipleship more than Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Future/Hope--I was offered a field education position yesterday. I do not expect to be faced with the kinds of violence Dietrich Bonhoeffer was, but I will follow Christ as well as I can where I am. I have great hope for the future today, not because of where we are but because of where we can go.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
field education,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My midterms are basically done. I lead my history precept today, and I somehow got mixed up about what the precept paper entailed. So have to rewrite that. Also have to rewrite my New Testament exegesis paper. Due by Friday.
Things are coming along with my Calvin paper. I've decided to make it into an adult education course because I've written way too many history research papers. Haven't written curriculum before, so this might be interesting.
The storms seem to have stopped. Finally. It rained for four days straight. Today the sun came out. <3
Things are coming along with my Calvin paper. I've decided to make it into an adult education course because I've written way too many history research papers. Haven't written curriculum before, so this might be interesting.
The storms seem to have stopped. Finally. It rained for four days straight. Today the sun came out. <3
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Memorial Service
Today I was the sexton for a memorial service in remembrance of those who died in the earthquake in Haiti. Now I'm trying to study for my New Testament midterm, and it's difficult.
Recently a prospective student asked me to name the pros and cons of my seminary. This is both a pro and a con, and I think this is true for all seminaries. You become aware of how powerless you are and how dependent you are on God. The question of "why" starts to really eat at you. The paradoxes we live with everyday suddenly seem impassible... yet you're in this community of people who each have their own story about how God had led them through difficulties you never thought about. People are willing to stand up and trust in God. I think this is why PTS is so focused on community living. I couldn't have made it through my first semester without this community.
So if you're looking for a seminary to attend, don't just look at the academics or housing or financial aid. Look at the community. The other day I sat down with at a table of students, and we started talking about a hot button issue of the church today. Instead of defensive team-taking, we had a very honest conversation about the Biblical witness around this issue. No plates were thrown. No yelling happened. We just... talked and were willing to listen and were willing to say "I don't understand" or sometimes "I was wrong." No names were called. No labels were given. That is this community. Now that sounds like we're all constantly getting along and singing The Happy Song together, but we're not. We have a lot of different opinions and beliefs and interpretations, but that all seems secondary to the community. When our opinions, beliefs, and interpretations become primary (which they do sometimes) then we become "us" and "them". But I feel like those labels aren't easy to keep up here, especially when you're worshiping with the person or persons who have become the "them".
But today in the memorial service, there was no "us", no "them". No one tried to paper over the question of "why" even though no one could give an answer. Instead, we lamented and pledged ourselves to the continuing aid of Haiti and the Haitians.
If you find yourself in a place where you can give money to Haitian relief, please donate to the Red Cross. You can choose to give directly to Haitian Relief and Development.
Recently a prospective student asked me to name the pros and cons of my seminary. This is both a pro and a con, and I think this is true for all seminaries. You become aware of how powerless you are and how dependent you are on God. The question of "why" starts to really eat at you. The paradoxes we live with everyday suddenly seem impassible... yet you're in this community of people who each have their own story about how God had led them through difficulties you never thought about. People are willing to stand up and trust in God. I think this is why PTS is so focused on community living. I couldn't have made it through my first semester without this community.
So if you're looking for a seminary to attend, don't just look at the academics or housing or financial aid. Look at the community. The other day I sat down with at a table of students, and we started talking about a hot button issue of the church today. Instead of defensive team-taking, we had a very honest conversation about the Biblical witness around this issue. No plates were thrown. No yelling happened. We just... talked and were willing to listen and were willing to say "I don't understand" or sometimes "I was wrong." No names were called. No labels were given. That is this community. Now that sounds like we're all constantly getting along and singing The Happy Song together, but we're not. We have a lot of different opinions and beliefs and interpretations, but that all seems secondary to the community. When our opinions, beliefs, and interpretations become primary (which they do sometimes) then we become "us" and "them". But I feel like those labels aren't easy to keep up here, especially when you're worshiping with the person or persons who have become the "them".
But today in the memorial service, there was no "us", no "them". No one tried to paper over the question of "why" even though no one could give an answer. Instead, we lamented and pledged ourselves to the continuing aid of Haiti and the Haitians.
If you find yourself in a place where you can give money to Haitian relief, please donate to the Red Cross. You can choose to give directly to Haitian Relief and Development.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Finer Things Club

We went on a tour of Independence Hall where the Continental Congress met. (SIT DOWN, JOHN!) We saw the Liberty Bell. We saw where the Congress met during the time Philadelphia was the capital of the USA. We also saw where the Senate met. (They had a smaller room up two flights of narrow stairs.) We saw Philosophical Hall, home to the oldest society of learned people in the USA. We paid our respects to the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Solider. We saw the First Bank of the US. We toured Betsy Ross' house! We paid respects to the late Benjamin Franklin and family in the Christ Church burial ground. Saw the US Mint.
We learned that nothing really happened on 4 July 1776. The Declaration was voted on on 2 July and read to the public 8 July. Also learned that Betsy Ross was a Free Quaker.
Oh, and there was this grave in Christ's Church burial ground that was for Gen. Jacob Morgan. Perhaps a relative of mine? Probably not, but still... maybe.
But one of the BEST parts of the day was lunch! We went to City Tavern (originally a place for our Founding Parents to drink and hang out then demolished and rebuilt in the 1970's as a tourist attraction). The food recipes were supposedly from the 1770's. I have no idea if that's true, but the food was EXCELLENT. I had the crab cakes. Incredible. We also sampled George Washington's Porter, Thomas Jefferson's Ale, Ben Franklin's Spruce, and Hamilton's... something. I didn't like Hamilton's. I like Washington's Porter the best. For dessert we had Martha Washington's mousse chocolate cake. Better than Martha Stewart's!
Time slipped away from us very quickly. We didn't get to see the Declaration House. We trucked home very tired but very happy.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Reading Week
It's Faux Spring Break! As one of my professors said: "We call it Reading Week so the Calvinists don't feel bad about taking a break." I'm currently working on my systematic theology midterm about the relationship between Scripture and tradition. I only have one exam which is next Monday focusing on the Gospels in my New Testament class. I have to memorize outlines of each of the Gospels. I can remember the basic outlines... it's the chapter numbers that throw me off.
I attended the Princeton University chapel yesterday for worship.They have a stained glass picture of John Witherspoon. He is right under St. Jerome. No, seriously. The chapel is HUGE. It could fit ten Miller Chapels in it. One of my friends is their seminary intern, and he told me the choir was incredible. Well, their choir IS INCREDIBLE. The organist is also incredible. As a postlude he played a Bach fugue like I have never heard a fugue played before.
Tomorrow taking a mini-vacation to a surprise location! Check back on Wednesday for pictures!
I attended the Princeton University chapel yesterday for worship.They have a stained glass picture of John Witherspoon. He is right under St. Jerome. No, seriously. The chapel is HUGE. It could fit ten Miller Chapels in it. One of my friends is their seminary intern, and he told me the choir was incredible. Well, their choir IS INCREDIBLE. The organist is also incredible. As a postlude he played a Bach fugue like I have never heard a fugue played before.
Tomorrow taking a mini-vacation to a surprise location! Check back on Wednesday for pictures!
john witherspoon,
princeton university
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Calvin's Theology
I am doing my final project in my Worship Renewal and the Reformation class on Calvin's theology of music specifically on the Psalms. If anyone knows of good resources, please let me know. I'll be crafting a post later in the semester about what I find!
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Great Read
I just finished reading The Irresitable Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical by Shane Claiborne. It's an incredible book that I think every Christian from all walks of life could benefit from reading.
But be warned... this book might turn you into a Christian. If you're worried about that don't be afraid to pick it up from your local library. If you do buy it, pass it on to someone who would never think of reading it after you're done.
But be warned... this book might turn you into a Christian. If you're worried about that don't be afraid to pick it up from your local library. If you do buy it, pass it on to someone who would never think of reading it after you're done.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Best Quote
I was reading this week for my Worship Renewal in the Reformation class when I stumbled upon one of the best quotes I have ever read from a church reformer.
"In church, we do not wish to extinguish the spirit of the faithful with tedious things" Formula of Mass and Communion for the Church at Wittenberg (1523)
"In church, we do not wish to extinguish the spirit of the faithful with tedious things" Formula of Mass and Communion for the Church at Wittenberg (1523)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lent, Part 2

All this means that during my lifetime the Presbyterian church does have the liturgical calendar, but not all Reformed churches do across time and currently. I apologize if I made any sweeping remarks about the liturgical calendar in the Reformed tradition if it is not true in your tradition. My life has been greatly shaped by the rhythm of the liturgical calendar, and I feel very attached to it... or to the PCUSA version of it, I should say.
Isn't that cool, though?!?! The Reformed leaders felt so strongly about the need for preaching, teaching, and staying true to the Bible that they almost completely changed the rhythm of the year for everyday people.
This is why I'm at Princeton Seminary... because every day I'm challenged and grow in my faith and understanding of living the Christian life!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Once during my college years I walked into a Christian bookstore in early February and asked for Lenten Bible studies. The sales associate looked at me almost in shock and asked me to repeat my request. I said I was looking for a Lenten Bible study for the upcoming Lent. The sales associate said he would ask his manager and began to scribble something on a piece of paper, and then looked up at me and very seriously asked "How do you spell 'Lent'?"
I'm only in my first year of seminary, but I'm going to give this a shot because I think Lent is incredibly important.
Lent will be different in different Presbyterian churches. Different pastors and different communities will emphasize different things. Some will ask you to give something up (like meat or soda), some will ask you to add something on (such as a specialized Bible study), some will ask you to spend more time in reflection and silence, and some will leave it completely open to you about what you do. Some churches offer Taize services during Lent. Some offer special prayer groups. Some will offer services of lament and healing. Some will spend more time on the calls to confession, prayers of confession, and assurances of pardon.
Honestly, what you do or don't do during Lent isn't nearly as important as WHY we do Lent. Just as the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert and just as Jesus spent 40 days being tempted in the desert, we spend 40 days each year in Lent. This is a time to look at our discipleship. Really examine it. It's a time to think. It's a time to repent and be forgiven. It's a time to prepare ourselves for the Passion and the Resurrection. We are disciples of Jesus, and we live in a broken world where our sin keeps us from God.
Now, some of us don't like to admit we're sinful. I certainly don't... and then the minister of the Chapel here at PTS goes and challenges with with this: "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:8-9). Oftentimes people associate Lent with punishing ourselves because of our sin. I'm not of that camp. God loved us so much that he decided he would rather die than be separated from us. The Incarnation changed everything. "We are dead to sin. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus" (Romans 6:11). In Lent we choose to be more alive in Christ. We choose to somehow take one step closer to living a life like Christ did by changing something in our lives and taking the time to attend special services dedicated to the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We cannot have Easter (the resurrection) morning without first going through Good Friday (the death).
Furthermore, while Lent is a fixed time period on our liturgical period, we all go through Lents at other times in our lives... times of immense grief or suffering or exile or illness or loneliness. Because we walk together as a faith community during our yearly Lent, I believe we help each other through those times in our lives. We can better sit with people during their grief if we have been through grief before and have seen God on the other side. Today my New Testament professor asked us this question about Jesus' crucifixion: "What is faith? Is is when the lights are on and all's right with the world and God's smiling down on us? Or is is when you're beaten up and hanging on by a thread and praying to a God who you're not sure is there anymore?"
That's part of my Lenten story. I urge you this Ash Wednesday to start your own Lenten story. Go out and figure out what Lent means to you and in your community. You might be surprised what you find.
Who says first year seminary students can't preach?
I'm only in my first year of seminary, but I'm going to give this a shot because I think Lent is incredibly important.
Lent will be different in different Presbyterian churches. Different pastors and different communities will emphasize different things. Some will ask you to give something up (like meat or soda), some will ask you to add something on (such as a specialized Bible study), some will ask you to spend more time in reflection and silence, and some will leave it completely open to you about what you do. Some churches offer Taize services during Lent. Some offer special prayer groups. Some will offer services of lament and healing. Some will spend more time on the calls to confession, prayers of confession, and assurances of pardon.
Honestly, what you do or don't do during Lent isn't nearly as important as WHY we do Lent. Just as the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert and just as Jesus spent 40 days being tempted in the desert, we spend 40 days each year in Lent. This is a time to look at our discipleship. Really examine it. It's a time to think. It's a time to repent and be forgiven. It's a time to prepare ourselves for the Passion and the Resurrection. We are disciples of Jesus, and we live in a broken world where our sin keeps us from God.
Now, some of us don't like to admit we're sinful. I certainly don't... and then the minister of the Chapel here at PTS goes and challenges with with this: "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:8-9). Oftentimes people associate Lent with punishing ourselves because of our sin. I'm not of that camp. God loved us so much that he decided he would rather die than be separated from us. The Incarnation changed everything. "We are dead to sin. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus" (Romans 6:11). In Lent we choose to be more alive in Christ. We choose to somehow take one step closer to living a life like Christ did by changing something in our lives and taking the time to attend special services dedicated to the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We cannot have Easter (the resurrection) morning without first going through Good Friday (the death).
Furthermore, while Lent is a fixed time period on our liturgical period, we all go through Lents at other times in our lives... times of immense grief or suffering or exile or illness or loneliness. Because we walk together as a faith community during our yearly Lent, I believe we help each other through those times in our lives. We can better sit with people during their grief if we have been through grief before and have seen God on the other side. Today my New Testament professor asked us this question about Jesus' crucifixion: "What is faith? Is is when the lights are on and all's right with the world and God's smiling down on us? Or is is when you're beaten up and hanging on by a thread and praying to a God who you're not sure is there anymore?"
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?"
Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?"
Psalm 22:1
Jesus turns to the Psalms while on the cross because they give us the words when we are so down and out that we don't even have the words to describe what we're feeling. There have been times in my life where I have wondered if God had forsaken me. I have had Lents, and I have walked through our liturgical Lent several times. I am here at Princeton Seminary today because of the Psalms and because of the community of faith that has surrounded me since the time I was small. They helped guide me to seeing God working in my life in ways I hadn't seen during my Lent. I am very, very blessed this Lent to be walking only through the liturgical Lent. I prayed Psalm 13 so often. Now I pray Psalm 107. Thanks be to God.That's part of my Lenten story. I urge you this Ash Wednesday to start your own Lenten story. Go out and figure out what Lent means to you and in your community. You might be surprised what you find.
Who says first year seminary students can't preach?
1 John,
ash wednesday,
New Testament,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Doylestown Presbyterian Church
Yesterday I went with the PTS touring choir to Doylestown Presbyterian Church located in beautiful Doylestown, PA. We had the privilege of singing at both their services and meeting with several members of the congregation and staff. All three pastors are PTS grads, and our alumni relations director was their guest preacher. I really like getting out to see more of the East Coast and all the wonderful Presbyterian churches around here. Doylestown Pres has several beautiful stained glass windows, and I'll be showing you the windows in the coming weeks.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It has already been announced that tomorrow will be a SNOW DAY! YAY!
Today after choir I called my friend Alicia to come out for snow prayer. It was wonderful. If I could capture the essence of what our snow prayer was, it would make a really great prayer technique, but it was too spontaneous.
Today after choir I called my friend Alicia to come out for snow prayer. It was wonderful. If I could capture the essence of what our snow prayer was, it would make a really great prayer technique, but it was too spontaneous.
1O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures for ever.
2Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
those he redeemed from trouble
3and gathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.*
4Some wandered in desert wastes,
finding no way to an inhabited town;
5hungry and thirsty,
their soul fainted within them.
6Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress;
7he led them by a straight way,
until they reached an inhabited town.
8Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wonderful works to humankind.
9For he satisfies the thirsty,
and the hungry he fills with good things.
for his steadfast love endures for ever.
2Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
those he redeemed from trouble
3and gathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.*
4Some wandered in desert wastes,
finding no way to an inhabited town;
5hungry and thirsty,
their soul fainted within them.
6Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress;
7he led them by a straight way,
until they reached an inhabited town.
8Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wonderful works to humankind.
9For he satisfies the thirsty,
and the hungry he fills with good things.
Psalm 107:1-9
Monday, February 8, 2010
Gladwyne Presbyterian Church
Yesterday morning I worshiped at Gladwyne Presbyterian Church just outside of Philadelphia. I'm currently scouting locations for my church internship next school year, and the worship life is a very important factor.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Content Exam
Bible Content Exam: PASSED!
Paul didn't go so well, but I ROCKED the Wisdom Literature part!
Paul didn't go so well, but I ROCKED the Wisdom Literature part!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Spring Long Term 2010
Second day of the Spring Long Term 2010. Here's the lineup.
Systematic Theology--Surprisingly not as scary as once though
New Testament--Thus far just studying the cultural background against which the New Testament was written
Worship in the Reformation--Looks like someone will be using their historical training after all!!
Speech--We'll be working on poems during part of the semester! I love poetry!
Greek translation--translating verses about resurrection of the dead. Just approached 2 Maccabees 7. Wow. Serious martyrdom and resurrection text. Not for the weak of Greek skills. Luckily for me, we translated it in class together.
Today I discovered what One Note is. Now, I've had One Note on my computer for a couple of years; but I never bothered opening it. I just used Word for my notes. One Note is AWESOME. So much easier to arrange by class, topics, dates, etc.! And then I can search for a certain word, and it gets highlighted in all my notes! Apparently it can also record things and then playback later what you were hearing when you wrote something.
I will also be taking the Bible Content Exam this Friday morning. It is the first ordination exam Inquirers take. It is multiple choice, but that doesn't mean it's easy. To pass I only need 70%, but I've only gotten that on one of my practice exams... and I thought I knew the Bible pretty well! So I'm studying, and I'll keep studying. The good news is there is no penalty to try again (except I would have to pay the fee again). I'd really like to pass on the first try. Standardized tests cause a rise of anxiety in me that I'm trying really hard to curb. If I may ask, prayers, please. Especially for Paul's letters. I've been doing really well on the Gospels and Wisdom Literature portions, so I hope I can get an overall 70%.
Also, I miss Colorado and my family!
Systematic Theology--Surprisingly not as scary as once though
New Testament--Thus far just studying the cultural background against which the New Testament was written
Worship in the Reformation--Looks like someone will be using their historical training after all!!
Speech--We'll be working on poems during part of the semester! I love poetry!
Greek translation--translating verses about resurrection of the dead. Just approached 2 Maccabees 7. Wow. Serious martyrdom and resurrection text. Not for the weak of Greek skills. Luckily for me, we translated it in class together.
Today I discovered what One Note is. Now, I've had One Note on my computer for a couple of years; but I never bothered opening it. I just used Word for my notes. One Note is AWESOME. So much easier to arrange by class, topics, dates, etc.! And then I can search for a certain word, and it gets highlighted in all my notes! Apparently it can also record things and then playback later what you were hearing when you wrote something.
I will also be taking the Bible Content Exam this Friday morning. It is the first ordination exam Inquirers take. It is multiple choice, but that doesn't mean it's easy. To pass I only need 70%, but I've only gotten that on one of my practice exams... and I thought I knew the Bible pretty well! So I'm studying, and I'll keep studying. The good news is there is no penalty to try again (except I would have to pay the fee again). I'd really like to pass on the first try. Standardized tests cause a rise of anxiety in me that I'm trying really hard to curb. If I may ask, prayers, please. Especially for Paul's letters. I've been doing really well on the Gospels and Wisdom Literature portions, so I hope I can get an overall 70%.
Also, I miss Colorado and my family!
Bible Content Exam,
Sunday, January 31, 2010
One of my hats
One of the hats I wear here at Princeton Seminary is that of a sexton. Now, some of you might be thinking of Hamlet when a gravedigger refers to himself as a sexton, but let me assure you that's not what I do. A sexton is a person or team in a church or synagogue in charge of the grounds and buildings which can include a graveyard but not necessarily. At PTS the sextons are students who work for the Chapel Office. Sounds official, right? Anytime there's a special event whether by a campus group or an off-campus group a sexton is assigned to make sure everything is in its right place at the right time and then is put back where it belongs. We make sure the lights are on, the doors unlocked, everyone can find the bathrooms, and the pulpit doesn't move. I've only worked concerts and worship services, but the sextons also work with weddings, lectures, and anything anyone else can use Miller Chapel for.
This afternoon I'm the sexton for the Dryden Ensemble and their "Bach Looking Back" concert that begins at 3pm. If you're in the area, the tickets are very affordable, and judging by their sound check it's going to be awesome.
This afternoon I'm the sexton for the Dryden Ensemble and their "Bach Looking Back" concert that begins at 3pm. If you're in the area, the tickets are very affordable, and judging by their sound check it's going to be awesome.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Return
Yesterday I traveled back to Princeton. It took longer than I thought it would, but I did get here. I left my parents' house at 6:15am, and my flight to Dallas was uneventful. Then I got to Dallas and found out my plane to Newark was canceled. So I went to Haagan-Daas. (Why not?) Took up a conversation with a nice lady from the Jersey Shore, and it ended up that we were sitting next to each other on the flight to Newark we got rebooked on. I listened to the new Norah Jones on the flight. Got on the train to Princeton and found out I was on the wrong train. Got off the wrong train and had to wait in the freezing cold for the right train. Got to Princeton Junction and went into the little waiting room for the dinky, and my friend Noah was there coming back from his trip to Washington D.C. I grabbed a sandwich from the Wa-Wa for dinner.
Today I went out to lunch with my friends Sara and Sarang (above). I talked on the phone for a couple of hours with a friend from my undergraduate days. I'm getting geared up for my next semester which begins on Monday. :)
Today I went out to lunch with my friends Sara and Sarang (above). I talked on the phone for a couple of hours with a friend from my undergraduate days. I'm getting geared up for my next semester which begins on Monday. :)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Emily's Takeover
I took over my Mom's blog this week! Check it out!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Sky is a Hazy Shade of Winter

But this week I'm doing my best not to think about any of that. This week I'm hanging out with my family and Colorado friends. And on that note, allow me to introduce the newest member of my family to you: TUCKER! He's our 4th golden retriever, so I guess my family has found a breed that fits us. His older counterpart Gabby doesn't know whether to play with Tucker or to ignore him. He likes to chew on my socks which wouldn't be a big deal except my feet are usually still in them! More later. :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Proof that God is Awesome

For all my Dora the Explorer loving friends, I met the Map today. His real name is Marc Weiner. (He also voices Swiper the Fox!) In his spare time, Marc has developed a tool for learning Nonviolent Communication known as the Empathy Labyrinth which he brought to Princeton Seminary today. Not only was the labyrinth extremely helpful, Marc is a great guy. I do watch Dora on occasion, but only because I have a nephew, so I was very happy when he told us about his acting experiences.
You meet all kinds of people here at Princeton Seminary.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday Jan 16
Yesterday started out like any normal Saturday. I woke up and ate breakfast. Then I tried to plan my day, and I looked at the movie listings. There was a listing for Carmen live from the Met at 1pm. So I figured why would I go see the opera at the movies when I could easily go to the opera house? I hopped on the train and went to the Met. I was so incredibly excited, and they were sold out. I was incredibly disappointed. I wandered around Central Park and hung out with my cousins in Brooklyn. It was a very spontaneous day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Short Term
The Fall Short Term [or "J-Term"] is upon us! A full 3 credit class in three weeks! For me, it's very draining to sit in the same class for three hours a day; so it's been interesting. We're almost halfway through. Wow. I didn't realize that until I typed it.
My communication class counts for a Pastoral Care credit and is in the Practical Theology department. This is the first Practical Theology credit I have taken, and I like it. I don't know how I'll fair in the Theology department in which I will be taking Systematic Theology next term [required of all students].
I'm looking for something to get me off campus once or twice a week if anyone has any ideas. I'm trying to get more in touch with the city of Princeton and not just Princeton Seminary.
My communication class counts for a Pastoral Care credit and is in the Practical Theology department. This is the first Practical Theology credit I have taken, and I like it. I don't know how I'll fair in the Theology department in which I will be taking Systematic Theology next term [required of all students].
I'm looking for something to get me off campus once or twice a week if anyone has any ideas. I'm trying to get more in touch with the city of Princeton and not just Princeton Seminary.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A Proud Daughter!
My mom made the front page of a well-known blog called Drop in and Decorate for a cookie decorating party she threw!
I'm so proud of my mom! She hasn't been blogging that long, but her blog is really good! And now she's beginning to get recognized by the food blogging community! Awesome!
I'm so proud of my mom! She hasn't been blogging that long, but her blog is really good! And now she's beginning to get recognized by the food blogging community! Awesome!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
12th Day of Christmas
Today is the last day of Christmas. Yesterday my friend Sara Jane and I were out running some errands and getting coffee when we saw the picture to the right. The Christmas lights are still up in Princeton. It was nice to remember that Christmas-tide is continuing even though we all are getting back to our normal lives.
PTS started its January term on Monday. For three weeks students will eat, sleep, and breathe one class. I am taking a course entitled Compassionate Communication based on the Nonviolence Communication model complied by Marshall Rosenberg. We have practice groups, journals, lectures, class participation, etc. in order for us to internalize nonviolent communication into our daily lives. I took this class originally with an eye on my chaplaincy internship this summer, but I can see how this type of communication can help in my career field and just in normal every-day relationships.
Also, yesterday I gave myself an end of Christmas present. I upgraded my computer to Windows 7, and it seems to work wonderfully. I really like the new Windows layout, and I appreciate the deal Windows gave me since I'm a student.
Merry end-of-Christmas-tide!
PTS started its January term on Monday. For three weeks students will eat, sleep, and breathe one class. I am taking a course entitled Compassionate Communication based on the Nonviolence Communication model complied by Marshall Rosenberg. We have practice groups, journals, lectures, class participation, etc. in order for us to internalize nonviolent communication into our daily lives. I took this class originally with an eye on my chaplaincy internship this summer, but I can see how this type of communication can help in my career field and just in normal every-day relationships.
Also, yesterday I gave myself an end of Christmas present. I upgraded my computer to Windows 7, and it seems to work wonderfully. I really like the new Windows layout, and I appreciate the deal Windows gave me since I'm a student.
Merry end-of-Christmas-tide!
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