One young seminarian on a mission of creative hope and authentic faith. "Christians live by the promise of God and thus in creative hope" (Daniel Migliore)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I live in Jersey and have for two full years. This past weekend was the first hurricane watch I have been through. I was stuck inside for three days more or less, although yesterday I walked to the grocery store. Then today I got up, put on jeans for the first time in months, and went to class. I got cold and put on my hoodie. Sometime, somehow it's that time between summer and fall when you can be freezing one minute and baking the next. The fall semester books are in at the bookstore, and in two and a half weeks school starts. My summer reading list is... no smaller. Thanks, Hebrew class.
Yeah, I got all reflect-y when I was stuck inside.

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