One young seminarian on a mission of creative hope and authentic faith. "Christians live by the promise of God and thus in creative hope" (Daniel Migliore)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Exodus

I am currently writing a paper for my Old Testament class about The Exodus. Not just any part of Exodus, The Exodus--The incredible event where Moses led the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt. This is one of the pivotal events in Biblical history. But right now I'm not thinking about history. I'm thinking about our lives as Christians. We live in an Egyptian world. We are expected to live up to Egyptian standards. We have lived under Egyptian rule since we were born.

But we are not Egyptians. We are foreigners. We are the children of God. Being led out of Egypt does not mean that the pressures of Egyptian society go away. Instead, we choose to be members of the covenant with God. We choose to become servants to God instead of slaves to Egypt. We choose to live under God's standard rather than Egypt's. We choose to start on a journey trusting in God to lead us instead of living the same way we always have. Not everyone's journey will be the same. Some will be the leaders like Aaron, some will be builders of the Tabernacle, and some will turn to the Golden Calf and experience the blanket of grace through a second covenant.

God bless our wanderings.

1 comment:

Alyce said...

Exodus is always an incredible study.....hugs, MOM